Thursday, 23 February 2017

Friday Buddy Time 2017

Kia ora Everyone

Room's 16 and 9A are Buddies 2017.  We had our first session in Room 16 today.

We read and did some Go Noodle together.   We are looking forward to our next session.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Whole School Assembly 2017

Today we had our first whole school assembly for 2017.

Kapai Sienna for being the extraordinary student you are and gaining this year's first Principals' Certificate.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Morning Karakia Wed 15 Feb 2017

I returned to school this morning and had a pleasant surprise!   Room 16 students are able to recite our morning karakia independently!  Wow impressive!

E te atua
Manakitia tenei hui
Awhinatia matou I roto
I o matou Mahi
Ki te wairua tapu
I o matou ariki

Every morning we ask for our day and our work to be blessed.

Whaea Tearani

Music hub Assembly Wed 15 Feb 2017

This morning we had our annual after school music assembly where teachers come and talk to us about different musical instruments that we can have after school lessons.  Chris teaches keyboard.  Jordan teachers guitar,  etc and Shaun teaches blowing instruments such as the trumpet, flute, horns etc.

Thursday, 2 February 2017

"Library Time" - Fri 3 Feb

Today Room 16 had our first library session for the year.

We discussed our expectations and behaviours while in the library, the browsing cards and that library time is for enjoying our reading.

Our class librarian for Term 1 is Oliver Hawkins.  His responsibilities include making sure we look after our classroom library and books as well as being our School Librarian.  Oliver says he "loves to use the scanner in the library"