Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Matariki celebrations in Rooms 16 and 20

This afternoon Rooms 16 and 20 began celebrations for Matariki or Maori New Year.  We learnt about Maori Stick Games Tititorea and Mau Rakau.

We know there are 7 whetu or stars: Waiti, Waita, Waipuna-a-rangi, Tupuanuku, Tupuarangi, Ururangi, and Matariki.  This year 2 new stars were discovered Hiwaiterangi and Pohutukawa.

Sunday, 11 June 2017

Eco Hero Performance

This morning we met in the hall and watched a performance by Mr Eco an Environment Rap Eco Hero.   Don't be a litter bug.

Mr Eco sang some rap songs including Litter Bug, Bag Monster, Straw Wars, Save the Fish and Mr Eco Anthem.

His most important message was that Saving our planet and our Wildlife depend's on us and how we stop littering and recycling. 

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Whole School Assembly Friday 9 June 2017

Today we had our whole school assembly.  Mrs Driver talked to us about her trip to Singapore and Melbourne and the Tinker Time classes she saw.

Well done Miss Coffer and friends "Better when I'm Dancing."