Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Get NZ Writing

Over the last 2 weeks we have been taking part in the Warehouse Stationery "Get NZ Writing"

The class we will be swapping our writing with is Room 7 a Year 3/4 class from Fenwick School in Oamaru.

Today Marco Sienna and Kiralee did a search on our Chrome books to find out about our buddy class and school.  Sienna found out they have blue uniforms like us.

Kiralee found out that they have Cameras and I PADS in their classrooms.  Marco found they had a swimming pool and have 13 classrooms while we have 22.

We have learnt about adjectives and metaphors for our postcards and completed our class poster.

This afternoon we will be delivering our package to the office for the courier to pick up tomorrow.

We can't wait for our parcel to arrive!!!!!


  1. Kevin J and Liam S28 March 2017 at 18:14

    You guys look sure busy! keep up the hard work AMAZING room 16.

  2. I've heard that different schools are giving other schools...parcels.

  3. Hi room 16. You look really busy in your class. You are going to have a colourful class. Are you having a good time in room 16?

  4. Ashton Delaney29 May 2017 at 22:53

    Hi Room 16 How Did You get that? I hop your Happy?

  5. And you have a colourful Class. I Like it so much! It Is so cool and Good And so nice.
